Fan Art

After featuring many images from other Netizens, for quit some time now, I thought it appropriate to show off some of my own self and let the world know the wonder which is the TRANTORNATOR!

I am also opening up this page to the general public! That's right, if you think you can either make me look ridiculous or really cool, go right ahead! I don't promise to post all entries, but I'll try to put as many as possible.
Here's the base image you have to work with.

When you think you stuff is cool enough, just MAIL IT to me!

goldeneye_karl.JPG (26037 bytes)

These two submissions come from Padan

karlmari.gif (22119 bytes)
karlreiko.jpg (28752 bytes)reptran.jpg (27239 bytes)scoritran.gif (7791 bytes)subtran.jpg (23355 bytes)tranraiden.JPG (22512 bytes)
broodkarthumb.jpg (23321 bytes)

These come from John Weeks

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