I don't currently have a large stock pile of people who are amicable with me and
hold WWW sites, but here is what I've got:
- Michael Gales (scholar, chess
player, debater,...is there anything he doesn't do!)
- Roger Woitte He loves British
Comedy -he's got to be a great guy- his web page is getting really good now!!! (he has a
link to mine!)
- Paul Norman Great guy with a
ton of links to Star Trek and super Model stuff!
- Corin's Page (guy I used to work with
in the computer lab at North Seattle and fellow Shadowrunner)
- Tom Wilson (cool guy who used to
work at the computer lab at North Seattle, cool links to tutorials)
- Jeff Angeles the guy who works
in the Computer Lab all the time, and now get's paid!!!!! (we love him anyway...)
- Mindy Waite's Fun to talk too and addicted
to MOO!!!
- Paul Norman (Shorecrest Grad and grade A Trekkie!) Paul, get in touch with me so I
can get your address again.
- Danilo Casarin!
Bienvenido al club, viejo!
- Joe LeBlanc The Mac using, computer fixing
- Jim Nall A co-worker of mine here
at the lab in Santa Fe (and another grade A Trekkie)
- Adam Brown A guy who has
spent the last two months of his life trying to get scolling text to work on his page!
(don't give up sooner or later you'll get it!)
Oh, did I forget to mention that I work for CIRCA.
Circa is the Computer Lab system at the University of Florida
This is our Web Ring!
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