
I used to like to go to costum parties, one year I went as this monster from this old Mary Shelley novel.... Great get-up but how was I to know that Boris would steal the design... ungrateful B@$^@&!) ! frankentrantor.JPG (85483 bytes)
Wise Master Tranyoda!  He will teach you the ways of the Farce! Another time they stole my ideas of Terror was with this little git-up.... who would have guessed that guys without nail clippers could be that scary?
Horror Roles have always been some of my favorites... trandakthumb.jpg (15783 bytes)
tranculathumb.jpg (25090 bytes) Yeah Horror roles really seem to suit me...
And yet more proof of what my true calling should have been. trandakthumb.jpg (15783 bytes)
bramstokerstranculathumbnail.JPG (14383 bytes) The retelling of Horror's greatest tale.   This account was much more faithful to Bram Stoker's original work, but still failed to completely adhere to and bring to life it's literary forebearer.
A sequel to one of the most famous of the Universal monster movies, the Bride of Trantenstein managed to scare the living day lights out of more people than any other movie.  When asked why, most simply mumbled incoherently about "it'll breed" or some such gibberish. brideoftrantorthumbnail.jpg (18304 bytes)

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